New Mining Futures in Left-behind Places – Appel à communications

📅 Date limite de soumission : 20 janvier 2025
📍 Lieu du colloque : Vienne (Autrice), du 8 au 11 septembre 2025

EUGEO 2025 (Vienne – Autriche, du 8 au 11 septembre 2025) porte sur Geographies of a changing Europe 



Hélène ROTH et Nina GRIBAT pilotent la session New Mining Futures in Left-behind Places et lancent une appel à communications dans ce cadre.



In the context of the European Critical Raw Materials Act in 2023, the member states of the EU have emphasized their efforts in securing access to crucial raw materials for the European Green Deal. The aim is to reduce dependency on other states in importing specific raw materials by extracting them locally and to achieve more autonomy. The Act focuses on those materials that are needed for a carbon neutral future (e.g. lithium, copper or others). The implementation of this energy policy is reflected in the proliferation of new mining projects in Europe.

New mining projects are highly speculative promises: there is a need for large scale investments before extraction can begin in order to fulfill all the legal and environmental requirements; prices for raw materials are generally rising, particularly in the context of energy and mobility transformation, which means that certain sites of extraction can become profitable. But the speed of technological innovation means that the long-term increase in demand for some critical raw materials is uncertain.

Many deposits of critical raw materials appear to be located in historical mining areas that have been undergoing structural change, peripherization, social weakness and often a rise of populism that reflects a lack of confidence in institutions and political decisions. New mining projects raise new hopes for development as well as fears for ecological damages.

  • How do local and other actors discuss the future in the context of new mining projects in left behind places?
  • Which imaginaries and narratives emerge at local and regional level?
  • Whose dream is new raw material extraction?
  • Who is thought to win or loose though extraction?
  • Who are the actors of raw material extraction?
  • How and which conflicts emerge around these new mining futures?
  • How do new mining futures re-negotiate centralities and peripherality geographically?

This session will bring together contributions based on theoretical insights and case studies, reflecting the diversity of mining futures in a changing Europe.



  • Hélène Roth (UCA, UMR Territoires, France)
  • Nina Gribat (BTU Cottbus, Germany)


Modalités de soumission

Les propositions de communication  (350 mots) sont à déposer sur le site EUGEO 2025 – ConfTool Pro – Login avant le 20 janvier 2025 en sélectionnant la session 171 – New Mining Futures in Left-behind Places.


Pour plus d’informations sur la conférence :





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