City and Regional Sustainability Transitions Webinar Series of the Regional Studies Association

📅 18 février 2025
📍 Webinaire

Equity in Transitions


ARL/CReST Joint Webinars


Tuesday 18th February, 12.00 GMT, 13.00 CET – Perspectives on Social Housing from Different European Countries


Housing is essential to citizens’ lives, not only as a physical space but also as a foundation for security. Affordable and adequate housing is key to improving living standards and creating opportunities, while poor housing limits prospects. Policies that ensure inclusive, affordable and sustainable housing are essential for resilient and equitable societies.

In recent decades, national housing systems have been challenged by rising inequalities, demographic shifts, changing lifestyles and cuts in social and public housing. Despite regional differences, many European cities are facing housing crises with soaring property prices.

This webinar will provide a comprehensive, evidence-based reflection on past and emerging solutions to the housing crisis, covering organizational frameworks, service processes, and coordination within the evolving public housing sector. The speakers will provide challenges and perspectives from different European countries.



Hélène Roth, University of Clermont Auvergne, UMR Territoires, France

Hélène Roth has been a senior lecturer at the University of Clermont Auvergne and at the UMR Territories for about 15 years. Her research activities focus mainly on housing issues in small towns in the French context.

Marco Allegra, ICS-ULisboa, Portugal
Marco Allegra is Principal Investigator and chair of the Urban Transition Hub at ICS-ULisboa. He is actively involved in the EU-funded DASH project, which focuses on delivering safe and social housing. Together with his co-authors, he will be sharing insights from this work.!





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