Dispositif de financement Commission européenne - Projet Horizon 2020
Dates de début et de fin Janvier 2015 - Décembre 2017
Porteur du projet Marielle Berriet-Solliec, AgroSup Dijon
Référent scientifique UMR Territoires Christophe Déprès
Partenaires • UMR Cesaer Dijon
• + 12 partenaires européens (dont Univ Gloucestershire, Wageningen University…)
Aires géographiques
  • France


Public Ecosystem Goods and Services from land management – Unlocking the Synergies

Through active engagement with a wide range of land managers and rural stakeholders PEGASUS will develop new ways of thinking about the way farmland and forests are managed in order to stimulate a long-lasting improvement in the provision of public goods and ecosystem services from agricultural and forest land in the EU. Over thirty case studies are planned across the EU to consider the issues and find solutions that work in a range of farming systems as well as along the supply chain. 4 case studies have been selected for France: the case of the protection of the Volvic impluvium in the Auvergne region, the agro-pastoralism in the Cevennes, the cornouaille in the Bretagne region and the Pays de Langres in Burgundy.