Dispositif de financement FP/Collaborative project
Dates de début et de fin 2012-2017
Porteur du projet Dr Jytte Agergaard, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Référent scientifique UMR Territoires Hélène Mainet
Membres de l'unité impliqués dans le projet Jean-Charles Edouard
Partenaires • Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (Dynamiques rurales)
• Université de Dschang (Cameroun)
• Université de Sokoine (Ghana)
Aires géographiques
  • Afrique

Rurban Africa

African Rural-City Connections

Programme européen FP/Collaborative project SSH 2011.4.1-2 ‘Connections between rural areas and cities in Sub-Saharan Africa’ Grant agreement n°290732

The overall objective of the African Rural-City Connections (RurbanAfrica) project is to explore the connections between rural transformations, mobility, and urbanization processes and analyze how these contribute to an understanding of the scale, nature and location of poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. This will include critically scrutinizing the assumption that migration from rural areas to cities is one of the major development challenges faced by national and local governments in their efforts to stimulate economic growth and curb poverty. This overall objective will be met by obtaining an improved understanding of :

  • 1. How agricultural transformation and socio-economic dynamics in rural areas marked by different forms of commoditization and land tenure systems interact with rural-urban resource flows
  • 2. The impacts of agricultural transformations and city dynamics on rural livelihoods, especially with regard to access to resources, income diversification and mobility, and how these relate to emerging patterns of inequalities and rural poverty
  • 3. How city growth and urbanization processes reflect socio-economic and
  • demographic change, failures as well as successes in rural development, and how this impacts on urban economies and livelihoods
  • 4. How the dynamics of urban poverty relate to the nexus of rural-urban linkages and how this impacts on access to services in urban low-income areas
  • 5. How regional, national and local policies and knowledge environments address rural-city connections in relation to poverty reduction, and how new insights into these issues can stimulate policy dialogue and research capacity, in particular across the sub-Saharan region _

The Rurban Africa project focuses on four sub-Saharan African countries : Rwanda ; Tanzania ; Cameroon ; and Ghana.

Pour pllus d’info : http://rurbanafrica.ku.dk/